Severe Trauma

Witnessing it,

Living it,

In WWI it was a joke,

Called shell shock,

In other wars it was a shooting offence,

People were called coward!

My baby sister was a coward,

Ellen paid with her life,

Couldn’t stand up for me to our half sister,

You’d never call a fireman a coward,

Its identified now as C- PTSD,

C-PTSD is emotional,

My half sister gave it to me,

I yell at my cats,

I can be to close to anyone,

I’m fearful,


Find it hard to trust,

Was traumatized by family,

Gutted left for dead!

Shell shock,

You have no idea what it was like being a full time college student at fifty,

Mom was Gaslighted,

Harrassed by phone,

Called seventy times a week,

Badgered by her eldest daughter,

From her first husband,

A wife beater,

Diana the spawn took her five years to murder our mom and my baby sister.

Panic is not a good look,

So I panic at home!

Wore my countries uniform,

Went to war on the home front,

Died in front of mt eighty-six year old mom,

At 405 2nd Avenue NE,Waukon,Iowa 52172,

December 3rd,2014,

Not afraid of death,

Coming home abd not knowing my suffering was still a continuation,

Diana lit our laundryroom up while mom and I two rooms away watched TV.

And got away with it,

I hope she is haunted,

The rest of my wish I’m keeping,

How Does a Narcissistic Sibling Affect the Personality of a Brother or Sister?,Hypervigilance

Published by Val's Whitewolf Books

Val's Whitewolf Media Anchor PodCast. I write here on WordPress. I believe that everyone should tell their story and that every book is a learning tool that will help those of us who are writers become better at our craft.I'm learning plus becoming more confident as an empath its important to share and touch with my heart others harmed by others words. I sell books on Pango.

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