Writing on the wall,Elizabeth Mattox


Guidepost Christian Mystery Series

(15) https://youtu.be/vI6_mTtj4uA

(16a) https://youtu.be/5W3OyQpKYCg

(16b) https://youtu.be/ZDTYBl4ICzM

(17a) https://youtu.be/RssNj64JW2E

(17b) https://youtu.be/xSm4Qd1JXv4

(18) https://youtu.be/tkVtctDMTSM

(19) https://youtu.be/3IdgdhmKhsM

(20a) https://youtu.be/tTTW9AhBFBY

(20b) https://youtu.be/YP2ItiMVkc4

Published by Val's Whitewolf Books

Val's Whitewolf Media Anchor PodCast. I write here on WordPress. I believe that everyone should tell their story and that every book is a learning tool that will help those of us who are writers become better at our craft.I'm learning plus becoming more confident as an empath its important to share and touch with my heart others harmed by others words. I sell books on Pango.

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