
For some tomorrow never comes, For some tomorrow’s just Sunday, For Ellen Heike Mathis mother of three boys, For Ellen tomorrow stopped 10/29/2020, Born April eleventh nineteen sixty-one, Tomorrow Ellen would have been sixty-one, Murdered, Unable to like me help mom, Ellen tucked her prayers in a beer bottle, Her surviving boys saw Nothing ifContinue reading “Tomorrow”

Glimpse of morrows to come

Since history repeats, We seek yesterday, Viewing maybe tomorrows, How far back do we go? When I was young Weekly Reader predicted in few hundred years glaciers would be gone, Prediction due to man’s steadfastness chasing all mighty buck deminished that time, Carelessness,pollution,ignorance, Blight, toxication, Mother earths tears, Eroding our true deity What traumatic eventContinue reading “Glimpse of morrows to come”

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