The Train

My neighbor talks to me,

Her father tortured his family for hours,

Little brother beat unconcious,

The train was savage,

Unrelenting beating his sons and daughter bloody,

Mother left,


Some families war was on the home front!

My dad’s weapons of pain were inflicted verbally!

My older sister Diana lied”savagely,

Crushed my good name,

Brought me to doing what she wanted,

But my desires for her demise was stronger tgen the pain she inflicted on me,

Mom and my baby sister,

Funny how much no one sees.if those if us whose scares are internally too!

The Train,

Got money from the state of Iowa even when no child lived with him.

Denise called the guy who was the sperm donor the Train,

Denise my neighbor took the brunt of the abuse oldest of five,

This Iowa with Parkinson disease,

This warrior my adopted sister,

She’s borrowing my car next Sunday,

She wants to see her Father,

A follower like I have only met seven times,

Not as pleniful as loafs of bread,

Not as plentiful as stars above,

There were my grandma’s,

My mom,

Aunts Clarian,Darlene,Toots and Wava,

No only moms mom equal to Denise in believe,

She takes a medicine that literally shortens her life.

Denise to the abuse,

Took the beatens,

The train chased away mom,

What parent leaves babies to an abuser?

The Iowa goverment allowed my family abuser to use and murder my mom.

Denise brothers thought they were abandoned again when Denise ran for her life,

Twelve years old,

Chased by a crazed man with a shot gun,

Run was the girls only option,

As an adult raise two children,

Druggie husband housed by state of Iowa,

Never paid child support,

Got his stimulous check.

Well evrn men in prison got a Stimulous check.

Years later due to circumstances,

The Human Services who cared nothing for her abuse gad her care for the train,

No one wanted the job,

Denise gave up her cleaning business,

The train no ohe wanted until younger brother wanted house,

In Lew of massive debt,

Wish you could meet her,

A real class act!

Real lady,

My friend.

Published by Val's Whitewolf Books

Val's Whitewolf Media Anchor PodCast. I write here on WordPress. I believe that everyone should tell their story and that every book is a learning tool that will help those of us who are writers become better at our craft.I'm learning plus becoming more confident as an empath its important to share and touch with my heart others harmed by others words. I sell books on Pango.

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